That was amazing and I was really surprised by the show. And the concert of Paolo Fresu? I've loved to hear it!
I think that by now You know my way of thinking: always the smallest possible loudspeaker to play an astonishing setup in the room available.
Here they had me confirmed in a bigger room… and in the end for some kind of problems I just had a small room. With really big loudspeakers, the Genuin FS 1 MK 2.
I do not want to complain, but just to tell You, for my normal way of doing, I would have got a Tempesta 20, for example. Or maximum, a Genuin FS 3 MK 2… but a Genuin FS 1 MK 2 was promised and I accepted the challenge.
As I entered the room the system was already playing and warming up… holy s**t, the bass was long like an aircraft carrier, the 3D feeling was blurred like a gray cat in a foggy day.
Let's try to set up differently and use the short side of the room… nonononononono: the rack was to wide to fit on that side with the whole components.
Back to the long side and let's start work.
I pulled all registers and I tried to use all the strangest solutions that fell into my mind to get the sound I liked. Lots of "tools" found there to get the right sound were hidden behind curtains and couches and inside cabinet… in the end it worked ;-)
In the end I've been able to achieve a sound that satisfied me… in both rooms!!! Given the boundary conditions, the limitation of room and system and the fact that I've not been allowed to use my toys, I think I got the best out of what was available… with lots of headroom for the joy of the customers, when they will get the loudspeakers at their home ;-)
I'm talking about 2 rooms:
Setup Room 184 - my room:
- Marantz SA-10 SACD Player for the first time in Italy
- EAT C-Sharp Turntable with Ortofon Cadenza Red cartridge
- EAR Yoshino MC Phono Preamplifier
- MastersounD Spettro Line Preamplifier
- MastersounD 845 Monoblocks Plus
- Genuin FS 1 MK 2 Loudspeakers
Setup Room 136 - MastersounD's room:
- Marantz SACD Player
- M2Tech DAC and Streamer
- MastersounD Compact 300B integrated stereo amplifier
- Genuin FS 3 MK 2
My feedback to the show? I was happy. It was a huge amount of work to setup and perform.
The public participating to the event was really highly interested and expert in terms of listening and music loving. Some of them have really impressive systems at home and invited me to meet them there, the next time.
And we played a lot of music without any kind of limitation in terms of what to play and volume. The system and the room in the end permitted it.
Giulio Cesare Ricci from Fonè presented some LPs:
- Musica Nuda with Magoni and Spinetti
- 5 LPs remastered from the original tape of Vaso Rossi (one leading Italian Rocker)
And we played together some of the tracks of his last productions, as example the remastered live album of Vasco Rossi at concert decibel level: people were rocking with closed eyes in the chairs and it was really involving and… like being there!!
Well… lot of music, lot of emotion, lot of talks and lots of amazing moments. Thank You Marco for the great show and the great organization.
If You are curious, here there are more pictures I shot at the event.
Small anticipation? I think in a Theater in March… not far from Lanciano… we will make a Mini-Sintonie with something big paired… stay tuned!!