Finally it will be easier to perform Your choice of the surface of Your unique loudspeaker: we found a way to implement the
page for the veneers You could put on a Blumenhofer loudspeaker.
This page is not intended to be exhaustive, it is just a rough idea and will grow with new pictures arriving (courtesy
Burger Holzzentrum) in the next future, and, in case of very special veneers or trees with a special story, there will be some more info, like for the Briccole of this picture here.
The idea beyond this is to add examples pages of loudspeakers made with that particular veneer: You will see a "Indian Apple page" with all the loudspeakers we will build with that veneer. This is just a first important step in a customer support direction.
As I said, finally one step further, more to come :-)

This picture is the Venetian Briccole veneer, a really seldom one shot veneer